Loc. Is Molas 09010 Pula, Cagliari - Sardinia - Italy

Le Ginestre restaurant

Restaurant with sea view by the pool

The Ristorante Is Molas has a dining room dedicated to the guests of Is Molas Hotel.
The room, capable of seating up to 160 people, is located in the garden of the hotel. In the spring and summer the restaurant moves outdoors, into the shelter of the wooden patio, from which guests can enjoy a view of the swimming pool and the tower of Nora. The sea off Pula, one of the clearest stretches of water in Sardinia, frames a natural setting of great Mediterranean beauty.

In the morning a buffet breakfast is served. The guests of Is Molas Hotel can choose from the menu of the day, which is always different. The cooking at the Is Molas restaurant is genuine, Mediterranean and creative. Painstaking care is taken over the choice of first-rate ingredients and the preparation of the recipes: every day there is an opportunity to discover dishes typical of Sardinia interpreted in a contemporary key. The recipes devised by chef Ivano Congiu are perfect for sportsmen and women and for those who like to feel they are being pampered. The dishes are presented in an attractive and elegant way.